the discussion we have forgot the most important dispute/argument this ruling has raised. As
per Para 7.3.1 of the ruling, the authority held that Section 7 of the CGST Act 2017 is giving an inclusive definition of supply, which means that a transfer can
still be treated as supply even if there is no consideration or it is made
other than in the course or furtherance of business. Authority held that Transfer
in course or furtherance of business is not an essential condition for considering
it as a supply. This means that the supplies made on personal account which has
no relation with the business shall also be treated as supply within the ambit
of section 7 of the CGST Act 2017. Does this means that where a Chartered
Accountant provides consultancy on personal account will also be treated as
supply. Whether such supply is taxable
or not is a separate question. The authority held that word “includes” has been
used in section 7(1), the scope of supply goes beyond the meaning of the
expression “in the course or furtherance of business”. Therefore in the case of
the transfer of a going concern even if the act of transfer does not constitute
an activity carried out in the course of regular business or for furtherance of
business, the activity may still qualify to be termed as a supply.
the law is interpreted in such manner, it is sure that GST is going to open up
another pindora box of litigations and discussion over the question of law. The
term supply itself shall be questioned at various instance, because going by
this ruling- what is supply is not sufficiently defined and if the point of tax
is itself questionable, then think about the disputes which are going to arise
due to the biggest tax reform of the country.
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