us give a befitting tribute and name Chandigarh Airport as
Bhanot International Airport”

In the light of the above,
we as the citizens of City Beautiful feel that there is a need to go beyond our
inhibitions, Our very own daughter of Chandigarh who is being recognized for
her courage all across the globe, why can’t we make a permanent memory by naming the airport as “Neerja Bhanot International Airport”. We feel
that there shall no issue on her name by anyone be it Punjab, Haryana or
Chandigarh. Also Chandigarh Administration should distribute this book on
Neerja among the school and college girl student to imbibe in them the courage
to fight against odds.
A serious thought is
required in this concern.
Keshav R Garg
(B.Com, CA, CS, ISA(ICAI))
Address: 3328, Sector 27 D, Chandigarh, India - 160 019
Phones: +91-172-461-3328, +91-98880-90008
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