for GST Audit – Books to be maintained – A Practical Approach

But before we even start
discussing audit, we need to first prepare for it. Preparation starts with
maintaining of proper books of accounts, records, registers etc. It must be noted
that a GSTIN shall be treated as a separate taxpayer for the purposes of the
Act (Section 25). A company having three GSTIN in different states shall be
treated as three different taxpayers for the purposes of this Act.
As per Rule 56 of CGST Rules 2017, a taxpayer
is required to maintain following records:
Account of Production and Manufacture of Goods
Account of Inward and Outward Supply of Goods or
Services or both including the supplies made without consideration covered
under Schedule 1 of CGST Act 2017.
3. Account of Stock of Goods including the opening
balance, receipt, supply, goods lost/stolen, goods destroyed, disposed off,
written off by way of gift or samples for all raw materials, finished goods,
scrap and wastage thereof
4. Details of Input Tax Credit availed including the
details of ITC reversed as per section 17(5) and Rule 42/43 of CGST Rules
2017. A reconciliation between GSTR 2A and the claim of Input Tax Credit
shall be made and kept on records by the taxpayer.
Details of Tax liability and payment of tax
Details of Goods or services imported or exported
Details of Inward Supplies attracting reverse charge
8. Separate Account of Advances received, paid and
adjustment made thereof
9. Particulars along with names and complete address of
suppliers from whom he has received the goods or services chargeable to tax
10. Particulars along
with names and complete address of persons to whom he has supplied the goods
or services
11. The complete
address of the premises where goods are stored by him, including goods stored
during transit along with particulars of stock stored therein. If such place
of storage is not declared as additional place of business in GST
registration, the officer shall determine the amount of tax payable on such stored
goods as if such goods have been supplied by the registered person.
In most of the
cases the taxpayers are found to store their goods pertaining to different business
at one premises and the same is declared in one of the GSTIN only. In such a
scenario if the stock related to other GSTIN is found in the said premises,
the proper officer shall deem it to be supplied and calculate tax liability on
such stock.
12. Details of E-way Bills
generated and received and the taxes paid thereon.
13. Records of all Tax
Invoices, Bill of Supply, Debit/Credit Notes, Receipt Voucher and Refund
vouchers shall be maintained.
to keep all the records?
The taxpayer shall keep all
the records at its principal place of business along with the records
pertaining to additional place of business at such places. Such records shall
be maintained for a period of 72 months i.e. for 6 years from the due date of
furnishing of annual return of financial year. Or in simple terms, 81 months
from the end of the financial year.
of Maintaining Records?
The taxpayer can maintain
the records in electronic as well as manually. But simultaneously if taxpayer is
maintaining records manually, he shall also make arrangements for electronic
backup for a reasonable period of time.
of the data?
It is the responsibility of
the taxpayer to maintain the electronic backup of the records and accounts. It
is the responsibility of the taxpayer that even in case of destruction of
records due to accident or even due to natural causes be retrieved and data be
presented to the department.
to be maintained by Transporters:
Although transporters are
exempted from registration (covered under Reverse Charge Mechanism), they are
required to maintain proper records to consigner and consignees (along with
their GSTIN) with respect to material transported by them. These details are
required to be submitted online at the portal. For this purposes all the
transporters shall be required to enrol themselves by filing Form GST ENR-01
online at the portal. Based upon the application they shall be issued enrolment
for Non-maintenance of Records
S. No.
Nature of Default
declaration of place of storage
tax payable on the goods stored at such place of storage
of accounts and records
10,000 or an amount equivalent to the amount of tax sought to be evaded whichever
is higher
Even before the audit is
conducted, it should be ensured that above records are maintained by the taxpayer.
This will enable the auditor to give his fair opinion on the compliance of Goods
and Services Tax Act.
Thanks and Regards
Keshav R Garg
Author: Bharat's GST Ready Reckoner
A Handbook on GST
Member: Indirect Tax Committee of
Founder: MyGst.MyTax Foundation
Adviser: Industries Association of
Adviser: Chambers of Chandigarh
Address: 3328, First Floor, Sector 27
D, Chandigarh, India - 160 019
Phones: +91-172-461-3328,
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